Posts in Online Course
Seller Beware: Online course or program owner protection

It’s not uncommon for me to have conversations with people looking to get their legals done for their online course or program. What is interesting though is how often there is confusion about whether people believe they have an online course or program. The distinction between the two is important because there are different expectations and risks, depending on the methods used to provide coaching, training or education online.

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Terms and Conditions for Online Courses made in Australia - The Top 5 things you need to consider

When setting up the terms and conditions for your online course, there are some common problems I see come up time and time again. I want to help you avoid these problems from the outset so I have collated a list of the top five things to consider in your online course terms and conditions. This is particularly important to ensure all your hard work and effort in bringing your online course to life will provide you with a stress-free income stream.

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